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  • Latin to Clipboard

    I was just sitting here looking for some Latin to use in a design and had an idea. There’s no need for me to visit some website or locate a stray file…

  • High Caliber Project

    Imagine you’re building a piece of software that is going to be publicized every single day on and offline and the main content creators have never seen it before or been fully…

  • Apple’s TODO List

    I regularly poke around inside the contents of applications just to see what’s there resource-wise in case there’s a specific pre-made icon that I could use in a design somewhere to speed…

  • Branding and UI Design

    I have always been a fan of the Mac. The notion that a machine is there to help me be ultra creative is the kind of thing I will always gravitate toward.…

  • Hidden Slickness

    Now that I’m in the middle of rolling my own Cocoa app, I’m really paying more attention to lots of Mac apps that I rarely use for ideas and hints on how…

  • Mac OS UI Comments

    1. Macintosh HD icon is not happy at 32×32 pixels: 2. Safari has a weird scrolling bug where if you load a page that creates a horizontal scrollbar, notice how the text…

  • Tiny iPhoto Hint (Literally)

    I have become a regular iPhoto user ever since Elise was born. One day while flipping through some pictures in iPhoto, I got a little frustrated with the picture zooming via the…

  • Cool OS X Apps

    You know, there’s so much software that I use that really enhance the Mac experience and I thought I’d list some of them here. DejaMenu If you use two monitors like I…